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Past Tenses 1 – Past Continuous

Past Continuous by Rustian Gunadi

Textual Material

2. Past Continuous

  • Form:
    • Affirmative Form: was/were + verb + -ing
    • Negative Form: was/were not + verb + -ing
    • Question Form: was/were + … + verb + -ing?
  • Examples:
    • She was watching the news.
    • They weren’t watching the news.
    • Were you watching the news?
  • The past continuous tense is used:
    • To set the background scene for a past simple action/event, using words like “when,” “while,” “as.”:
      • Example: It happened at 5 pm while she was watching the news.
    • When multiple background scenes occurred simultaneously:
      • Example: He was listening to music and working on his computer.
    • To emphasize the ongoing nature of an activity without focusing on its completion.
  • Compare with past simple for completion emphasis:
    • Past Simple: Last year, I worked at the cinema, studied, and wrote a newspaper column.
      (It is clear that the person has completed working at the cinema, studying, and writing a newspaper column.)
    • Past Continuous: When I was working at the cinema, I bought a car.
      (It is not emphasized the completion of the activity of working at the cinema.)
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