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Adjectives and Adverbs – Lead In

A. Context Speaking

Describe a place you would like to visit during a holiday
You should say
Where it is?
What the main attractions are?
How do you know this place?
Why you wish to visit this location.

A. Context Listening

You are going to hear a man talking about a recent trip. Look at the following pictures and try to guess which three countries the man visited.

Listen to check if you were right.

Listen again and complete the table below. Write no more than two words for each answer.

Countries visited Interesting facts
1. _______
  • many 2 _______
3. _______
  • travelled there by 4 _______
  • good for 5 _______
  • bought a beautiful 6 _______
7. ……………………
  • visited Gujarati Textile 8 _______
  • great examples of 9 _______ embroidery
  • lots of wildlife in 10 _______ areas
  • saw incredible 11 _______ birds and several poisonous 12 _______

Look at Exercise 3 and make a list of all the adjectives.

Show Answer Key and Audio Transcript

Answer Key

2 The man visited Morocco, Turkey and India.
3 1 Morocco 2 historical buildings 3 Turkey 4 boat 5 local crafts 6 Turkish carpet 7 India 8 Museum 9 Indian silk 10 (more) remote 11 colourful 12 spiders
4 historical; beautiful; good; local; Turkish; Gujarati; great; Indian; silk; remote; incredible; colourful; poisonous


Good evening, everyone. As many of you know, I often travel for my job as a rug buyer, and this evening I’ve been asked to give a talk about traveling in Europe and Asia, and to pass on some useful advice for those of you who are planning to travel there yourselves. At the end of my talk, I’ll be happy to answer questions.

My first piece of advice is to work hard on your research before you go if you want to make your trip enjoyable and rewarding. I plan my trips very carefully for at least three months before I leave, reading about the places I am going to visit on the Internet and in books.

I had a very memorable trip recently, starting out in Morocco. The city of Marrakech is an absolutely amazing place to visit and well worth adding to your itinerary. Try to stay near the old part of the city. There are so many historical buildings and so much to see. The mosques, in particular, are very beautiful.

After leaving Morocco, I took a long tiring boat ride to Turkey. It was well worth the trip, especially if you like local crafts. I bought a beautiful Turkish carpet in one of the villages while I was there. The man that sold it to me spoke very good English, and he told me all about the different styles of carpet. I was fascinated to see the extraordinary range of patterns.

I left the small mountain villages of Turkey to travel to the huge, crowded cities of India. India is a fascinating country, and I have always enjoyed my visits there. Everywhere you go, the people are very welcoming and friendly towards visitors. They always seem pleased to see you. It’s easy to see why India is such a popular destination for travelers.

One of the highlights for me on this visit was the Gujarati Textile Museum. It was the first time I had been there. If you are interested in textiles, this museum is really impressive, with lots of information and some absolutely stunning examples of Indian silk embroidery and other fabrics.

If you’re interested in seeing wildlife, I recommend traveling in the more remote areas of the country. I was amazed at the variety of wonderful animals which I saw on my trip and the most incredible colorful birds with vivid blue and green feathers. I also saw several poisonous spiders, although I have to say that I found the insects rather frightening!


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