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Textual Material
1. The uses of Adjectives in sentences

Adjectives describe nouns and can be used in various ways:

  • Before nouns: “There are so many historical buildings.”
  • After verbs like be, become, get, etc.: “The mosques are very beautiful.”
  • After find/make/keep + object: “I found the insects frightening.”
  • With other adjectives or nouns to describe a noun: “a long, tiring boat ride.”

2. Order of Adjectives:

  • Adjectives are placed in a specific order: size > temperature > age > shape > color > nationality > material > type.
  • When there are two or more adjectives, “and” is used between the last two, except for colors: “vivid blue and green feathers.”

3. Adjectives Ending in -ed and -ing:

  • Some adjectives related to feelings are formed from verbs and have two forms, usually -ed or -ing.
    • The -ed forms talk about how we feel,
    • while -ing forms describe things or people that cause the feelings.
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