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Future tenses 2 – Lead In

A. Context Speaking

  1. Will you give a speech soon? Explain.
  2. Are you preparing for a talk?
  3. Tell me about your next presentation.
  4. Do you plan to speak confidently?
  5. Share your future public speaking plan.
  6. How do you avoid nervousness during speaking?

B. Context Listening

Janet is a university lecturer. She gets nervous when she gives talks at conferences. Look at the pictures. Which do you think would help Janet feel more confident and relaxed?

Listen to Janet’s conversation with her colleague, Phil. What advice does Phil give her?

Listen again and complete the sentences below. Write no more than three words for each answer.

  1. Janet has _________ on the report all next week.
  2. By the end of the year, Janet _________ the same talk at six conferences.
  3. When she gets to Rome, Janet _________ very nervous.
  4. Before he gives his talk in London, Phil _________ it at least ten times.
  5. Janet is in a hurry because the train to the airport _________ in 20 minutes.

Look at the sentences used in Exercise 3 and answer these questions.

  1. Which sentences talk about events that will be over before a time in the future?
  2. Which sentences talk about events or situations in progress at a particular time in the future?
  3. Which sentence talks about a scheduled event?
Show Answer Key and Audio Transcript

Answer Key

2 Phil advises Janet to practise in front of the mirror.
3 1 will be working 2 will have given 3 will be feeling 4 will have rehearsed 5 leaves
4 1 sentences 2 and 4 2 sentences 1 and 3 3 sentence 5


Phil: Hey Janet, have you finished the report yet? Sarah was asking about it.

Janet: I’m afraid not. I’m about to go to Rome for a conference, and I won’t be able to finish the report before I go.

Phil: Oh. When do you think it will be ready?

Janet: The conference only lasts three days, so I’m not in Rome for long – just the weekend. Then I’ll be working on the report all next week.

Phil: Can you do it before we have the departmental meeting at the end of the month?

Janet: Oh, I can easily have finished it by next Friday. I’ve got it in my diary.

Phil: That’s great. I’ll be seeing Sarah at lunch, so I’ll tell her.

Janet: Thanks.

Phil: Are you giving a talk at the conference?

Janet: Yes, the same one I gave last month on plant diversity and environmental changes. By the end of the year, I will have given the same talk at six conferences. Luckily, it’s a different audience each time, but I’ll soon be getting polite requests to do something different! The funny thing is I still get nervous every time before I give it.

Phil: Oh come on, I don’t believe that.

Janet: No, it’s true. I’ll be feeling really nervous when I get to Rome. I won’t be able to relax until I’m actually giving my talk. Don’t you get nervous when you give talks at conferences?

Phil: Not really, although I always make sure I prepare well. I always practice in front of a mirror. I look a bit of an idiot, but no one can see, so I don’t mind. I’m giving a talk in London next month, and by the time I give the talk, I’ll have rehearsed it at least ten times. Practicing like that makes me feel confident – you should try it.

Janet: That’s a good idea. But even practice doesn’t seem to help me.

Phil: Well, good luck, I’ll be thinking of you in Rome. When are you leaving?

Janet: Well, I was going to leave this morning, but they cancelled my flight, so I’m on the evening flight. Actually, I’d better get a move on, as the train to the airport leaves in 20 minutes.

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