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Likelihood Based on Conditions 2 – Lead In

A. Context Speaking

Describe a purchase of an item that you have made that you feel was wrong
You should say:

What the purchase was and why you made that purchase
How long it took to realize that it was a bad purchase
Why do you think it was a wrong decision you made
And explain how you would change the purchase if you could

B. Context Listening

You are going to hear Simon Brown talking to his friend, Anna, about his car. Look at the pictures below. Why do you think he regrets buying it?

Listen and decide if the following statements are true or false.

  1. Simon bought a second-hand car.
  2. The price of petrol nearly doubled last month.
  3. Simon has saved very little money from his job.
  4. Simon took his father’s advice about the car.
  5. Simon has a lot of money.

Listen again and complete these sentences.

  1. If I _______ a second-hand car, I _______ to take out this big bank loan.
  2. It _______ so bad if the price of petrol _______ last month.
  3. If I _______ a bit before buying the car, I _______ to save quite a bit by now.
  4. If only I _______ to him, none of this _______.
  5. If I _______ his advice, I _______ a small fortune now.

Look at your answers to Exercise 4 and answer these questions.

  1. Which tense is used in the if clause in sentences 1, 2, 4, and 5? Does it refer to present or past time?
  2. Which sentences refer to a past situation in the result clause? Which structure is used?
  3. Which sentences refer to a present situation in the result clause? Which structure is used?
Show Answer Key and Audio Transcript

Answer Key

1 Simon regrets buying a new car because it has cost him a lot of money.
2 I F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F
3 1 ‘d bought; wouldn’t have needed 2 wouldn’t be; hadn’t almost doubled 3 ’d waited; ’d have managed 4 ’d listened; would have happened 5 ’d taken; ’d own

4 1 past perfect; past time 2 sentences 1, 3 and 4; would have + past participle 3 sentences 2 and 5; would + infinitive without to



Anna: Hi Simon, how are you? How is your new car going?

Simon: Oh, don’t ask me, Anna. It’s a nightmare! I should never have bought it!

Anna: Why? What’s wrong? I thought you’d got one of those fancy new models?

Simon: I did, but that’s part of the problem. If I’d bought a second-hand car, I wouldn’t have taken out this big bank loan I’ve got now.

Anna: Oh, so I suppose you’ve got big repayments to make?

Simon: Yes, and I can’t sell the car until I’ve paid for it. But it’s not only that. I had no idea running a car was going to be so expensive! I wish I’d thought about the other costs before I bought it.

Anna: It probably wouldn’t be so bad if the price of petrol hadn’t almost doubled last month.

Simon: Don’t remind me – the petrol alone is costing me a fortune!

Anna: Lucky you’ve got that part-time job then!

Simon: That’s just the thing. Nearly all of my wages are going on the car. If I’d waited a bit before buying the car, I’d have managed to save quite a bit by now. I might even have gone on that college trip last week; it sounded great.

Anna: Oh, dear. Can’t you ask your dad to help you out?

Simon: No way! When my granddad left me some money, my dad didn’t want me to spend it on a car. If only I’d listened to him, none of this would have happened! I wish he wasn’t always right!

Anna: Well, maybe you should value his opinions more. You do seem to argue with him a lot. If you got on better with him, you might have listened to his suggestions.

Simon: The worst thing is, Dad wanted me to buy some shares with the money and now they’ve gone up by thirty…


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