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Past Tenses 1 – Past Simple

Textual Material
  • Form:
    • Affirmative Form: verb + -ed (or -d)
    • Negative Form: did not + verb
    • Question Form: did … + verb?
  • Examples:
    • He worked for the police.
    • She didn’t work for the police.
    • Did they work for the police?
  • The past simple tense is used:
    • To discuss single past completed actions with a specific time:
      • Example: A woman called a few weeks ago to report a robbery.
    • When time reference is unnecessary because it’s already known:
      • Example: How did the burglar break in without anybody hearing him?
    • To present a series of actions in chronological order:
      • Example: The burglar came in, picked up the woman’s handbag, emptied it, and stole her purse.
      • With words like “next,” “then,” to indicate sequence:
      • Then, the burglar went into the front room, opened cupboards, and took CDs.
    • To describe past repeated actions:
      • Example: When her son got older, he often visited friends after school.
    • For describing long-term past situations that are no longer true:
      • Example: Explorers believed the world was flat.
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