Relative Clauses – Lead In

A. Context Speaking

  1. How to ensure home safety while away?
  2. Tell me about locking doors securely.
  3. What precautions to take with windows?
  4. How can lights help prevent burglary?
  5. Tell me about asking neighbors for help.
  6. What about storing valuables discreetly?
  7. Tell me about using timers for lights.

A. Context Listening

You are going to hear part of a radio programme about making sure your home is safe when you are away. Before you listen, look at the picture. What do you think the radio programme will mention?


Listen and see if you were right.

Listen again and complete the advice below using no more than three words from the recording.


How to protect your home

  • If you live in an area 1 _______ a lot of tall trees, cut off overhanging or dead branches.
  • Put away objects 2 _______ damaging missiles.


  • If you are away for a long time then find someone 3 _______ on your home for you.
  • Install lights 4 _______ a timer so that it looks as though you are home.
  • Find someone 5 _______ your mail regularly.

Look at your answers and underline all of the relative pronouns (where, which, who, that).
Which relative pronoun refers to a place?
Which relative pronouns are used to refer to people?
Which relative pronouns are used to refer to things?

Show Answer Key and Audio Transcript

Answer Key

2 The problems mentioned are: the ladder left out, the letters in the letterbox, the open window, overhanging branches.
3 1 where there are 2 that could become 3 that can check 4 which have 5 who can collect
4 1 Where refers to a place. 2 That and who are used to refer to people. 3 That and which are used to refer to things.


Presenter: Good morning, listeners! The holiday season is here and this is the time when many of us plan to get away from it all, but what about the home you’re leaving behind? Well, please welcome Mike Bowers, who is going to talk about how to look after your home when you are travelling.

Mike: That’s right, Matthew. Whether you’re a person whose job involves a lot of travel or whether you travel for pleasure, you really need to consider who will look after your home when you are away.

Presenter: Now, some people seem to think it’s just a matter of locking all the doors and windows, which is fine as long as there are no nasty storms while you are away. If you’re going to be away during a stormy or windy season, then you also need to take a good look outside your home. Perhaps you live in an area where there are a lot of tall trees, in which case you will need to cut off any dead branches that overhang your property.

Mike: Do you have a garden or, if you live in a block of flats, perhaps you have a balcony or veranda? If so, make sure you store away any objects that could become damaging missiles if picked up by strong wind, things like outdoor furniture or even plants, for example. These can be especially dangerous if you live in a flat which is in a large high-rise building.

Mike: Once you’ve taken care of the outdoors you have to consider what could go wrong inside. Remember this isn’t just a house or a flat; this is your home, the place where you keep your most treasured possessions. What would happen to them in a flood, for instance? If you’re leaving for an extended period of time, the best idea is to find someone that can check on your home while you’re away. Perhaps you have a family member who lives close by, or you may have a neighbour that you can rely on.

Mike: Another possible problem is having your home burgled while you are away. Now, there are often very good reasons why one house is burgled and another is not. In the evening, a home that’s very dark can really stand out. So why not install lights which have a timer and programme them to come on at times when you would normally be home? Also, make sure you find someone who can collect your mail for you. You’ll be amazed how quickly a letterbox can become crammed full of uncollected letters and papers, which is a great help to a burglar looking for homes that are empty!


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