The Passive – Lead In

A. Context Speaking

  1. Where do you study?
  2. How are student unions organized in your school?
  3. What events are arranged by students?
  4. How are the school’s activities coordinated?
  5. What organizations are led by students?
  6. How are the school events hosted?
  7. Tell me about the students’ association roles in your school.
  8. What responsibilities are assigned to students?
  9. How are student organization decisions made?

B. Context Listening

You are going to hear a student representative talking to new students and answering their questions. Before you listen, match the words (1-8) with the definitions (a-h).

  1. union
  2. president
  3. process (verb)
  4. represent
  5. run (verb)
  6. election
  7. committee
  8. facilities
a. deal with / handle documentation etc.
b. speak for
c. buildings, equipment, or services
d. leader
e. working group or board
f. organized group or association
g. organize/manage
h. an organized vote

Listen and answer the following questions.

  1. What do new students need to do to get a library card?
  2. What is the students’ union?
  3. What is the students’ union responsible for?

Listen again and fill in the gaps.

1 ‘ _______ applications quite quickly?’ ‘Oh, yes. All applications _______ on the spot so they’ll be able to issue you a card straight away.’
2 ‘So, _______ the student’s union?’ ‘No, the union _______ by students, seven students to be precise.’
3 ‘And how _______ the executive committee?” ‘Well, the executive committee _______ by the students through an election process.’

Look at the objects of the verbs in the questions in Exercise 3. What happens to them in the answers?

Show Answer Key and Audio Transcript

Answer Key

1 I f 2 d 3 a 4 b 5 g 6 h 7 c 8 c
2 1 They need to go to the library and fill in a form and have their photo taken. 2 It is a group which represents students’ views to the university. 3 It is responsible for extra facilities around the campus that are not related to study e.g. restaurants, entertainment and sports facilities.
3 1 Do they process; are processed 2 does the university run; is run 3 do you choose; is chosen
4 They become the subject of the passive verb.


Jack: Well, firstly, welcome to the university. My name’s Jack Dawson and Pm president of the students’ union. I’m here to answer any questions you may have about university life. Would anyone like to start?

Student 1: Er, yes, I’m not sure how to get a library card.

Jack: Ah, yes, that’s very important. You need to go to the reception at the library and they’ll give you a form to complete. You’ll also need to have your photo taken for the card.

Student 1: I’ve already got a passport photo. Can I use that?

Jack: Yes, in which case just give them your photo with the filled-in form and they will do the rest.

Student 1: I’m keen to start using the library as soon as possible. Do they process applications quite quickly?

Jack: Oh, yes. All applications are processed on the spot so they’ll be able to issue you a card straight away. Now, are there any other questions?

Student 2: Can you explain a little bit about the students’ union? I’m not really sure what it does.

Jack: Well, the students’ union is a group which represents your views to the university.

Student 2: So, does the university run the students’ union?

Jack: No, the union is run by students, seven students to be precise, who are called the executive committee.

Student 2: And how do you choose the executive committee?

Jack: Well, the executive committee is chosen by the students through an election process.

Student 2: And what exactly do they do?

Jack: Well, the students’ union is responsible for many of the extra facilities around the campus that are not related to study. We run the restaurants and entertainment and the sports facilities, which are said to be among the best in the country. So if you think any of these facilities need improving around the campus, or if there are other services you think we need to provide, then please come to one of our union meetings and make a suggestion. Now, any other questions? Yes, at the back …

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