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Future Tenses 1 – Going to for Future Intentions and Predictions

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  • Form:
    • Positive: am/is/are + going to + verb
    • Negative: am/is/are not + going to + verb
    • Question: am/is/are ... + going to + verb?
  • "Going to" is used:
    • To talk about events in the future that we've already thought about and intend to do:
      • Example: We're going to hire a bus. (Intending to go, but arrangements aren't finalized)
    • To make predictions based on present evidence:
      • Example: We're certainly going to have a varied trip. (Based on plans and knowledge)
  • Choosing Between "Going to" and "Will" for Predictions:
    • In many cases, the distinction between the two isn't significant, and either can be used to express a future prediction. The choice between the two often depends on the speaker's preference, the context, or the specific nuances they want to convey.
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