1 of 2

Future Tenses 1 – Lead In

A. Context Speaking

Describe a future holiday plan which is not related to work or study. You should say

what the plan is
when you thought of the plan
who is involved in the plan
and say how you think you will achieve the plan.

B. Context Listening

Listening Comprehension: Sports Team Trip

F: You are going to hear Tim, a sports team coach, talking to Amanda, a player in the team, about a trip they are going to make. Before you listen, look at the pictures. Which sport does the team play? Which two countries will they visit?

B: Listen and complete the table below. Write no more than two words or a number for each answer.

Country Number of matches Number of free days Accommodation Other plans
1 _______ 2 _______ 3 _______ stay in a 4 _______ do lots of walking
5 _______ 6 _______ 7 _______ 8 _______ visit some 9 _______

Now listen again and write
if Tim makes this statement
B if Amanda makes this statement
C if both Tim and Amanda make this statement

  1. We’re travelling to Scotland by plane. ___
  2. We’ll have fun even if the weather is bad.
  3. The team will be pleased with the accommodation in Athens. ___
  4. The two countries are going to provide very different experiences. ___
  5. The team manager is holding a party on our return. ___

Look at the statements in Exercise 3 and answer these questions.

  1. Which tense is used in statements 1 and 5? ______
  2. Which structure is used in statements 2 and 3 to refer to the future? ______
  3. Which structure is used in statement 4 to refer to the future? ______
  4. Which statements talk about a fixed arrangement? _____
  5. Which statements are predictions? ______
Show Answer Key and Audio Transcript

Answer Key

1 hockey; Scotland and Greece
2 1. Scotland; 2. four/4; 3. 3/three; 4. mountain lodge; 5. Greece; 6. three/3; 7. four/4; 8. (a) (small) hotel; 9. islands
3 1 A 2 B 3 A 4 0 5 A
4 1 present continuous 2 will 3 going to 4 sentences 1 and 5
5 sentences 2-4


Amanda: Hi Tim, just ringing to see if you’ve got the details of the hockey team’s trip for next month.

Tim: Hi Amanda. Yes, I went to the travel agency this morning. I’ve got the details right here in front of me.

Amanda: Oh, great. Well, why don’t you tell me all about it, and I’ll pass on the information to the rest of the team.

Tim: Good, well, first of all, we’re flying to Scotland. We’ll have to get up really early because our flight leaves at six-thirty in the morning. We’re playing four matches there, which I know sounds like a lot, but we’ll also have three days free. So, we’re going to hire a bus and then drive through the mountains, and we’ll probably stay in some sort of mountain lodge there.

Amanda: Sounds wonderful. I hope the weather’s good.

Tim: Me too, but it’ll probably rain every day.

Amanda: Still, not to worry – I’m sure we’ll enjoy it whatever the weather. Where to after that?

Tim: From there we fly to Greece. We were supposed to be playing five matches there, but two have been cancelled, so it’s only three now. Still, that means there’s a bit of free time to do some tourist things as well, as we now have four days free altogether.

Amanda: Great. What about accommodation over there?

Tim: Well, it’s more luxurious than last year’s camping trip, so I think everyone will be happy with it. This time we’re staying in a small hotel near the centre of Athens for a few days, and then we’re going to get a boat to a couple of the islands, although we haven’t decided which ones yet.

Amanda: I’m sure we’ll have good weather there anyway, so lots of time for sunbathing on the beach.

Tim: Yes, I think it’ll be extremely hot there.

Amanda: You’re right – we’ll probably end up wishing we were back in Scotland! Well, we’re certainly going to have a varied trip.

Tim: Yes. In Scotland we’re probably going to do lots of walking, and in Greece, we’re going to be lying on the beach. I imagine we’ll even get a bit of a tan.

Amanda: I think it’s going to be a great trip!

Tim: Ha! Just don’t forget to concentrate on your game! Oh, and one more thing, don’t forget that the manager is having a party just after we get back to celebrate the team’s great results last season, and the best player on the tour will get a special trophy.

Amanda: Wow! Don’t worry, I’ll let everyone know.

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