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Past Tenses 2 – Past Perfect Simple

Textual Material
  • Form:
    • Affirmative Form: had + past participle
    • Negative Form: had not + past participle
    • Question Form: had + … + past participle?
  • Usage:
    • To discuss a past event that occurred before another past event.
      • Example: They had listened to his music before the concert.
    • To describe something that happened before a specific past point.
      • Example: His father was a composer and his grandfather had also been a musician.
      • Using Past Perfect Simple with Time Adverbs: just or already.
      • Example: By the time he was 17, Mozart’s reputation had already begun to spread throughout Europe.
    • To express events mentioned in chronological order.
      • Example: His grandfather was a musician and his father was also a composer.
      • Using Past Perfect Simple with Time Expressions:
      • Employ words like when, as soon as, by the time, after to denote event order.
        • Example: When Mozart was born, five of his siblings had already died.
    • To discuss a time before a specific past point.
      • Use adverbs like always, sometimes, never, before, by + fixed time.
        • Example: His family was richer than they had ever been before.
    • To report Past Events using reporting verbs.
      • Example: The man told me he had met my father a long time before.
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