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Present Perfect – Present Perfect Continuous

Textual Material
  • Form:
    • Affirmative Form: have/has been + verb + -ing
    • Negative Form: have/has not been + verb + -ing
    • Question Form: have/has … been + verb + -ing?
  • Usage:
    • To express the duration of an ongoing situation or activity.
      • Example: I’ve been studying really hard.
  • Present Perfect Continuous vs. Present Perfect Simple:
    • Present Perfect Simple:
      • Indicates how many times an action has occurred.
      • Focuses on the result or completion of the activity.
      • Example: I’ve written my essay.
    • Present Perfect Continuous:
      • Emphasizes the length of time an activity has been ongoing.
      • Focuses on the activity itself, whether completed or not.
      • Example: I’ve been writing my essay.
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